In my book, vocabulary is all-important, it’s the foundation on which all other skills are built. It doesn’t matter how good you are at distinguishing tones, sentence structure and character writing; if you don’t know the words, you won’t be able to communicate in Chinese. This page is about how to learn Chinese vocabulary.
Here are some questions relevant for this category:
- Why is vocabulary so important?
- How do I learn characters and words?
- What words should I learn?
If you you’re new to Hacking Chinese and want more general advice, please sign up for my free introduction course. I will summarise and introduce the most important things to keep in mind when learning Mandarin:
[mc4wp_form id=”7547″]Many of the articles on Hacking Chinese deal with vocabulary in some way (see all of them at the bottom of this page), but there are a few which stand out as being more important than others. Here are five articles you really should read:
- The importance of knowing many words – In this article I talk about the fundamental question of why vocabulary is so important. Everybody knows that words are very important, but in this article I argue that it’s even more important than most people think.
- Creating a powerful toolkit: Character components – One interesting aspect of the Chinese language is that it lends itself very well to memory tricks. Learning characters by rote is extremely inefficient, so you should start building your toolkit early. Learn character parts, learn individual characters and then combine these to form powerful mnemonics.
- Memory aids and mnemonics to enhance learning – This article introduces the concept of mnemonics and memory aids, telling you how to study characters and words in a way that is both fun and efficient. The memory techniques I talk about here is useful for learning anything, not just vocabulary. Memory is a skill that can be practised.
- Spaced repetition software and why you should use it – This is perhaps the single most important tool to learn vocabulary (and other facts). It is many times more efficient that traditional vocabulary learning methods and something you have to check out if you haven’t already. SRS makes it possible to learn huge amounts of words without spending too much time.
- Holistic language learning: Integrating knowledge – Holistic learning means that we should integrate what we want to learn with what we already know, thus forming a giant web of knowledge. In this article, I talk about holistic learning and how it applies to learning Chinese, including how to improve your web and its infrastructure.
Apart from these articles, there are many more that might be interesting for advanced learners. Here is a list of all articles in the advanced category (scroll down to see all of them in a text-only list):
- Cramming vs. spaced repetition: When to use which method to learn Chinese
- The best YouTube channels for learning Chinese in 2025
- Welcome to The Fluent Listener, a new course from Hacking Chinese!
- Don’t use mnemonics for everything when learning Chinese
- Can English learning materials help you learn Chinese?
- Chinese vocabulary challenge, December 2024
- Student Q&A, December 2024: Learning similar Chinese characters, polyphonic characters, and flashcards vs. reading for building vocabulary
- How to learn Zhuyin (Bopomofo) in two hours
- Chinese character variants and font differences for language learners
- Should you learn the pronunciation of radicals?
- Student Q&A, June 2024: How much time on flashcards, Remembering the Hanzi, and resources for learning characters
- Chinese character learning for all students
- Chengyu, a magic key to Chinese language and culture, or a waste of time?
- Interview: Insights from Skritter’s Complete Guide to Learning Chinese
- Student Q&A, April 2024: Learning chengyu, listening to yourself and using role-playing games to learn Chinese
- Student Q&A, March 2024: Reading aloud, finding word boundaries, and working actively with reading materials
- Outlier Chinese Character Masterclass review: Understand more, learn faster, remember longer
- Student Q&A, February 2024: Typing or handwriting, using new words in texts, and how to use AI to improve your writing
- 12 ways chatting online will improve your Chinese
- How to best use flashcards to learn Chinese
- Why flashcards are terrible for learning Chinese
- Student Q&A, December 2023: How many words to learn, if it’s good to learn radicals, and whether to learn simplified or traditional characters
- Why flashcards are great for learning Chinese
- Is learning things by heart good for improving your Chinese?
- Student Q&A, November 2023: Reading Pinyin or characters, comprehensible vs. compelling content and reading tools
- Shapeshifting Chinese characters
- Student Q&A, October 2023: Expanding vocabulary quickly, learning by watching videos and nailing dictation tests
- Student Q&A, September 2023: Listening more than once, assessing pronunciation and the merits of flashcards
- Should you throw away your Chinese textbook?
- How narrow reading and listening can help you bridge the gap to real Chinese
- Skritter review: Boosting your Chinese character learning
- Vocabulary lists that help you learn Chinese and how to use them
- Should you learn Chinese vocabulary from lists?
- Learn Chinese by playing Mahjong (麻将, májiàng)
- Kickstart your learning with the Skritter Character Course
- Hacking Chinese Podcast two-year anniversary Q&A
- How to learn Chinese characters as a beginner
- Do you have to learn to write Chinese characters by hand?
- Why you should use more than one Chinese textbook
- Are authentic texts good for learning Chinese or is graded content better?
- What to read to improve your Chinese and why
- Time quality: Studying the right thing at the right time
- How to start learning Chinese again after a break
- How to improve fluency in Chinese by playing word games
- The building blocks of Chinese, part 6: Learning and remembering compound words
- The building blocks of Chinese, part 5: Making sense of Chinese words
- Why spaced repetition software is uniquely well suited to learning Chinese characters
- The best Chinese reading practice for beginners
- 6 challenges students face when learning to read Chinese and how to overcome them
- The building blocks of Chinese, part 4: Learning and remembering compound characters
- The building blocks of Chinese, part 3: Compound characters
- The building blocks of Chinese, part 2: Basic characters, components and radicals
- The building blocks of Chinese, part 1: Chinese characters and words in a nutshell
- Chinese language logging, part 3: Tools and resources for keeping track of your learning
- The benefits of using Wikipedia to look up words when learning Chinese
- The new HSK 3.0: What you need to know
- Lost in transcription: Saylaw, Ice Island and Aristotle
- Chinese language logging, part 1: Why and how to track your progress
- My best advice on how to learn Chinese characters
- Are simplified characters really simpler to learn?
- An introduction to extensive reading for Chinese learners
- 7 mistakes I made when writing Chinese characters and what I learnt from them
- Should you learn the names of the strokes in Chinese characters?
- How to not teach Chinese characters to beginners: A 12-step approach
- Review: The Outlier Dictionary of Chinese Characters
- All the resources you need to learn and teach Chinese stroke order
- Diversify how you study Chinese to learn more
- What important words are missing from TOCFL?
- What important words are missing from HSK?
- Are mnemonics too slow for Chinese learners?
- Learning Chinese words: When quantity beats quality
- When spaced repetition fails, and what to do about it
- Dealing with Chinese characters you keep mixing up
- 5 levels of understanding Chinese characters: Superficial forms to deep structure
- Does using colour to represent Mandarin tones make them easier to learn?
- How to look up Chinese characters you don’t know
- New course: Unlocking Chinese – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners
- The nine principles of learning (and the mistakes from failing to follow them)
- 101 questions and answers about how to learn Chinese
- The most common Chinese words, characters and components for language learners and teachers
- 7 things you were taught in Chinese class that are actually wrong
- Tone errors in Mandarin that actually can cause misunderstandings
- Why using a good dictionary can be bad for your Chinese reading ability
- Free and easy audio flashcards for Chinese dictation practice with Anki
- Reading is a lot like spaced repetition, only better
- How to improve your Chinese handwriting
- Should you focus on learning Chinese words or phrases?
- Is it necessary to learn the stroke order of Chinese characters?
- Playing Codenames to learn Chinese and other languages
- Spaced repetition is not limited to flashcards
- Expanding your Chinese with 一步一个脚印
- Overcoming the problem of having too many Chinese words to learn
- The benefits of using 语文/國文 textbooks to learn Chinese
- How to talk about Chinese characters in Chinese
- The best Twitter feeds for learning Chinese in 2016
- How going shopping can help you learn Chinese
- Chinese characters that share the same components but are still different
- Learn Chinese character meaning and pronunciation together
- Learning tones in Mandarin is not optional
- How to verify that you use the right Chinese font
- The real challenge with learning Chinese characters
- Which words you should learn and where to find them
- Learning Chinese characters through pictures
- Panning: How to keep similar Chinese characters and words separate
- Zooming out: The resources you need to put Chinese in context
- Zooming in: The tools you need to break down and understand Chinese
- The best Twitter feeds for learning Chinese in 2015
- A minimum-effort approach to writing Chinese characters by hand
- What you intend to write is more important than the character you actually write
- Why you should think of characters in terms of functional components
- Learning to write Chinese characters through communication
- Focusing on communication to learn Chinese
- About cheating, spaced repetition and learning Chinese
- 7 ways of learning to write Chinese characters
- Focusing on radicals, character components and building blocks
- Sensible character learning challenge 2014: The Big Finish
- Sensible character learning challenge 2014: Milestone #3
- Sensible character learning challenge 2014: Milestone #2
- Handwriting Chinese characters: The minimum requirements
- Learn to read Chinese… with ease?
- Three ways to improve the way you review Chinese characters
- Sensible character learning challenge 2014: Milestone #1
- Sensible Chinese character learning challenge 2014
- Sensible Chinese character learning revisited
- Flashcard overflow: About card models and review directions
- Drills and exercises aren’t only for beginners
- Phonetic components, part 2: Hacking Chinese characters
- Phonetic components, part 1: The key to 80% of all Chinese characters
- Why manually adding and editing flashcards is good for you
- The get-back-up-to-speed summer challenge
- Dealing with near-synonyms in Chinese as an independent learner
- If you think spaced repetition software is a panacea you are wrong
- Is your flashcard deck too big for your own good?
- 21 essential dictionaries and corpora for learning Chinese
- Horizontal vocabulary learning in Chinese
- Improving your Chinese by translating from another language
- How to create mnemonics for general or abstract character components
- Sensible character learning: Progress, reminders and reflections
- Remembering is a skill you can learn
- Towards a more sensible way of learning to write Chinese
- You can’t learn Chinese characters by rote
- Measuring your language learning is a double-edged sword
- Learning Chinese in the shower with me
- Vocalise more to learn more Chinese
- How to use mnemonics to learn Mandarin tones and pronunciation
- Kickstart your Chinese character learning with the 100 most common radicals
- Why learning Chinese through music is underrated
- Answer buttons and how to use SRS to study Chinese
- Use the benefits of teaching to boost your own Chinese learning
- When perfectionism becomes an obstacle to progress
- Chinese reading speed: Learning how to read ten lines at a glance
- Mapping the terra incognita of Chinese vocabulary
- Reading manga in Chinese for more than just pleasure
- The Chinese-Chinese dictionary survival guide
- Learning Chinese the holistic way: Integrating knowledge
- Chinese vocabulary in your pocket
- Dealing with tricky vocabulary: Killing leeches
- Memorising dictionaries to boost Chinese reading ability
- Review: Chinese Synonyms Usage Dictionary
- Spaced repetition isn’t rote learning
- Using search engines to study Chinese
- Anki, the best of spaced repetition software
- Spaced repetition software and why you should use it