Articles in the ‘Immersion and integration’ category Page 10
Which Chinese language course should you take?
This article will guide you through the most important factors to consider when choosing your Chinese language course, including location, price and extent.
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Learning Chinese through comprehensible input
Comprehensible input is a key component to learning Chinese. This article focuses on the importance of understanding when listening and reading Chinese.
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ChinesePod review: Your companion to Mandarin fluency
In this ChinesePod review, we take a close look at one of the best resources available for learning Mandarin online. Can you beat 3,700 lessons?
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What your Chinese course will not teach you
Taking a Chinese course will give you a framework for learning the language, but it’s far from enough. This article is about what you need to do apart from going to class.
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Listen before you read: Improve your listening ability
Listening ability is often overlooked when learning Chinese. Make sure you get the most out of the listening resources you do have and improve your Chinese listening ability.
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The Hacking Chinese free tone training course
Learning to hear the difference between tones is difficult for many learners. Research shows that speaker variability and a systematic and predictable approach are key to overcoming the problem. With this article, I launch a tone training course, which is meant to provide you with just that. For free!
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Why you should read Chinese on your phone
Reading Chinese in this digital age is a lot easier than it used to, but it’s actually even easier than many students think. The benefits of reading on your phone are important, including instant access to vocabulary, smaller chunks of text, portability and a sense of getting somewhere when you read. If you haven’t read a Chinese text on your phone yet, you really should give it a try.
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Chinese listening practice with 锵锵三人行
锵锵三人行 is one of the few Chinese TV programs I actually like. It’s also one of the best ones for language learners too, mostly because of it’s heavy focus on talking, availability of transcripts and variety of both guests and topics. This should be a key component of any immersion effort, but you probably need to be upper intermediate or above to benefit.
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Learning Chinese through audiobooks
Listening to audiobooks in a very good way to improve your listening ability beyond the basics. This article contains advice about how to choose a suitable novel, where to find it and how to listen to it.
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Bite-sized learning isn’t enough to learn Chinese
Bite-sized learning is great, but it’s not enough if you want to build real competence in Chinese listening and reading. To expose yourself to enough text and audio, you need long-form content that you can keep using even when you’re energy levels aren’t at 100%.
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