Articles in the ‘Intermediate’ category Page 26
Learning to read handwritten Chinese
Everybody struggles with writing Chinese characters by hand, even if handwriting can often be avoided in a modern, digital society. But what about reading other people’s handwriting?
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Transcribing Chinese audio as an active form of listening practice
Transcribing audio is a very active method of practising listening ability that encourages you to pay attention to detail. It works for all proficiency levels and is a great weapon in your arsenal to conquer Chinese listening ability.
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Escape: A text adventure game for Chinese learners
Escape is a text game for Chinese learners. It works like a graded reader with level-adjusted content, except that it’s also interactive! You have been captured and need to escape. To do this, you need to understand what happens and make the right choices based on what you read.
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Are you practising Chinese the right way? Is your method valid?
The most efficient way of learning something is not necessarily the most straightforward one. However, the farther your way of practising is removed from the target activity, the more you need to make sure that you’re actually learning the right things.
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The benefits of using 语文/國文 textbooks to learn Chinese
Using textbooks meant for native speakers is a great way of improving your reading and writing, as well as learning about literature and culture in general. 语文/國文 textbooks are difficult, but also very rewarding!
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Accessing Chinese culture through cartoons
Accessing Chinese culture can be very hard if you go through the original stories or written versions. If you go through cartoons online, however, it not only becomes easier, it’s also more fun!
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How to talk about Chinese characters in Chinese
As a learner of Chinese, it’s useful to be able to talk about Chinese characters in Chinese. The right way is not to learn the names of the strokes, but learn how native speakers talk about characters.
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Don’t forget to consolidate the Chinese you have already studied
Learning new things is important, but sometimes it’s more important to focus on things you have already studied. This article is about how to consolidate the Chinese you have already conquered.
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The best Twitter feeds for learning Chinese in 2016
Learning Chinese through Twitter is great because it gives you bite-sized chunks. This post presents the best Twitter feeds for learning Chinese in 2016.
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How going shopping can help you learn Chinese
Shopping can be a great way of learning a language. By having similar conversations many times in different shops, you can gradually improve your speaking ability.
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