Hacking Chinese

A better way of learning Mandarin

Articles in the ‘Vocabulary’ category Page 12

  1. Learning to write Chinese characters through communication

    How much of your character learning is done through communication? It should be a significant part, but I think this is very rare, both inside and outside classrooms. This article is about using communication to make character writing more fun, meaningful and effective.

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  2. Focusing on communication to learn Chinese

    Communicating is the essence of languages and the goal of language learning. In this article, I discuss bot the merits of focusing on communication, but I also explain why focusing too much on communication isn’t the best way of learning.

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  3. About cheating, spaced repetition and learning Chinese

    Have you even found yourself grading your answer slightly more positively than you should? Even though we all know that we shouldn’t, I think this is quite common. We shouldn’t do this! We’re only cheating ourselves and impeding our progress. In this article, I talk a little about cheating, spaced repetition software and some related consequences and theories.

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  4. 7 ways of learning to write Chinese characters

    There are many ways of practising writing Chinese characters and they all have their pros and cons. In this article, I discuss seven different ways of practising and what advantages and disadvantages they have for you as a learner. Which do you use?

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  5. Focusing on radicals, character components and building blocks

    How much should you focus on learning building blocks? If you don’t focus enough, you will remain in the tourist phrase book. If you focus too much on building blocks, you will end up living in brick yard rather than a house.

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  6. Sensible character learning challenge 2014: The Big Finish

    This article marks the end of the 2014 sensible character learning challenge. Post your progress report to win prizes and read about my own reflections on learning characters! There’s also some information about future challenges on Hacking Chinese and an offer to beta test a new challenge engine.

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  7. Sensible character learning challenge 2014: Milestone #3

    The second milestone in the 2014 sensible character learning challenge has now been reached! This is also the last opportunity to join the challenge if you haven’t already. If you have, it’s time to report you progress in May. This article also contains information about prizes (character posters, free extensions and Chinese learning products) for the third milestone, as well as my own reflections of my character learning.

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  8. Sensible character learning challenge 2014: Milestone #2

    The second milestone in the 2014 sensible character learning challenge has now been reached! This is a good opportunity to join the challenge if you haven’t already, and if you have, it’s time to report how the five weeks have gone. This article also contains information about prizes (character posters, free extensions and more) for the second milestone, as well as my own reflections of my character learning.

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  9. Handwriting Chinese characters: The minimum requirements

    This is a guide to handwriting Chinese characters. It’s not about writing beautifully, but writing correctly, including things like stroke placement, length and direction. There are numerous examples of handwritten characters (real examples, not typed characters) along with practical exercises to see if you have grasped the core ideas. The article goes somewhat beyond the bare minimum for beginners, but is certainly a must for anyone who cares about handwriting Chinese characters.

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  10. Learn to read Chinese… with ease?

    Can you learn to read Chinese with ease? ShaoLan, among others, claims that you can. However, these arguments involve a lot of cherry-picking and are mostly exaggerated.

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